Current Giving


Doctors Without Borders

Every year, Doctors Without Borders (DWB) provides emergency medical care to millions of people caught in crises in more than 60 countries around the world. DWB provides assistance when catastrophic events — such as armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, or natural disasters— overwhelm local health systems. DWB also assists people who face discrimination or neglect from their local health systems or when populations are otherwise excluded from health care.

On any given day, close to 27,000 doctors, nurses, logisticians, water-and-sanitation experts, administrators and other qualified professionals can be found providing medical care in international teams made up of local DWB aid workers and their colleagues from around the world.

The Trust currently supports Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and their emergency medical programs. MSF teams provide medical care and clean water, which saves lives every single day.

Kevin supported DWB because he liked that doctors donated their services. As a result, much of his personal donations were put towards helping vulnerable people get much needed medical care.
— Kubasik Family
Photo Credit: Doctors Without Borders

Photo Credit: Doctors Without Borders



Ebola Outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo

MSF teams are training staff on how to use personal protective equipment, triage suspected cases and implement infection control measures to stem the second-largest Ebola outbreak ever.

Strengthening Quality of Care with Diagnostics

MSF is testing laptop/tablet-based ultrasound technology to helps clinicians make faster diagnoses and treatment decisions at the patient’s bedside.

Despite all the workload in Agok, with many complicated cases, my colleagues and I are able to save many lives using this tiny portable ultrasound machine.
— Achai Bulabek, 28-year-old female physician from South Sudan
Photo Credit: Doctors Without Borders

Photo Credit: Doctors Without Borders



In 2018, the trust commissioned an analysis of the dominant causes of female STEM attrition. The literature review offers promising practices to help reduce female STEM attrition.

Individuals, STEM-talented women, and employers can all cultivate and develop a STEM workforce where women thrive. Several promising practices to help reduce female STEM attrition include: 

  • Leverage the societal value of STEM careers to encourage girls and young women to persist in STEM coursework and pursue STEM careers

  • Eliminate bias in recruitment, assignment, and promotional practices; Track, analyze, and share diversity metrics to identify both social responsibility and business outcomes

  • Foster a culture that actively supports women and institutes zero-tolerance for harassment

Kevin was a well-respected manager in the tech field. But he felt too many talented women were underutilized and, as a result, leaving the field.
— Jane Kubasik

Eskie Rescuers United

Eskie Rescuers United is a nonprofit organization that helps American Eskimo dogs by reducing the population of eskies in shelters, humane societies, and in rescue. They take in and provide the proper shelter, veterinarian care, socialization, rehabilitation, and placement of eskies into caring and responsible homes.

The trust currently supports Eskie Rescuers United and their mission to provide veterinary services to eskies in their care. As a result of our support, Eskie Rescuers United expanded their ability to:

  • Champion for alternative methods for heart worm treatments that are safer and less expensive

  • Conduct human-animal bond research to study the effects of foster caretakers on their foster dog’s health

  • Examine the effects of a foster dog in older military veterans with mental health and physical limitations

  • Help shelters better understand eskies as a breed